MBA in Hotel management | Best MBA college in Coimbatore
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What is MBA in Hotel Management?


MBA in Hotel Management program is designed to produce highly skilled and proficient professionals who are capable to serve an increasingly dynamic hotel and tourism industry around the world.

The tourism & hospitality industry has been doing quite well in India and around the globe and therefore demands qualified professionals who can manage & cater to discerning customers. This is where an MBA in Hotel Management comes into play.

Aside from a powerful life experience, an MBA degree in Hotel Management should supply you with a 2 year full time course along with three main value propositions – Skills, Networks and Brands.

The course work/syllabus involved in an MBA in Hotel Management program includes core management courses like managing service industries, organizations, and people, research methods for business, accounting and finance for service industries, and strategic management

There are jobs in field of Hotel, Catering and related fields. Notwithstanding the economic slowdown, the hospitality sector is booming and has room for more.

Achieving new and great heights with every step, this sector is for sure the place to be! The scope of hospitality management is growing with the number of chain restaurants, hotels, spas, holiday resorts that are mushrooming everywhere, the food and hotel industry are the least affected, no matter what the economic condition of the country maybe

  • Any Bachelor Degree
  • 2 Years