The career holder of a secretary and the corporation of it as a person or an individual as a whole. A secretary is a one who works subsist of supporting the management team also part of the executives of an organization or a company. This role shouldn’t be confused with the executive secretary as a personal assistant in many organizations and companies as well. A situation of secretary is an officer of organizations who act in a corresponding manner or admits new people and attends official meetings and events.
A secretary is known as an administrative assistant because he or she has many administrative duties to work on. Its duties may required knowledge in computer applications or the nature of the company or organization that may carry the act like managing budgets, attending phone calls, attending to visitors, and preparing reports many more. They also manage the administrative minutiae of running a conference and meetings, it also a responsibility to keep all record documents of the company or organizations. In every business, one need to have an administration assistantship for the upkeeps of it.
A secretary plays an important role in the business organization because they take care of administrative work and report to the management team, they are connected to the top management in every organization.
The role of secretary in an organization. the role of a secretary is to ensure the functionality of the management team.
Take a look at the responsibility of it:
- They ensure that the meeting is held effectively and on time
- Maintain records and administration
- They make sure communication is effective
The secretaries ensure that the responsibilities are met and work diligently, they carry a great role; some management team has one person to manage the formal responsibilities of the secretarial.
How to maintain effective administration.
- Getting the contact details for the management committees.
- Taking minutes and reports.
- Managing the organization’s activities.
And future activities.
The responsibilities of a secretary.
1. Ensuring meetings effectively
- Getting items from an organization team.
- Taking minutes on meeting bases
- Circling reports.
- Getting approval of the minutes.
- Making sure the actions are carried out safely.
2. Advocate for legal requirements
- Taking attendance or checking it at present meetings.
- Ensuring elections are well organized and procedure.
- Making sure activities are inline
- Recruitment and discipline.
3. Communication
- Answer to all corresponding.
- Getting all the data from committees and receive a copy.
- Getting the future progress of the organization for upkeep.
- Preparing an annual report for meetings.
The important role of a secretary in a committee:
- Ensuring meetings are organized efficiently.
- Effective communication.
- Getting the legal requirements of the organization.
- Maintaining records in an organization.
The role of secretary in meetings:
The meeting is held effectively with the secretary, and also put the effort into planning. Making sure every document is forward before meetings aid board members before the start of it.
The role of secretary in the administration
Keeping records and managing the contact list to be able to provide relevant documents and need to part take meetings to see to it well been, connecting effectively with the manager.
The legal role of secretary
The effective secretary knows the legal requirements of the law in the organization, makes sure the attendance area been taking every meeting they take. Track every meeting document.
The secretary can be characterized in two ways. Firstly the secretary works on another person to assist in accord to get information on other matters.
Secondly, it is chosen for an employee a company to correspond to maintain the documents of the dealings of the company.
It is determined the success of company plans and goals, it is certain in accordance with the position of each organization.
Communication builds a good relationship for the person who wants to combine with supervisors and the necessary resources to meet the team. Subordinate needs the responsibilities to convent leadership to perform duties in an organization.
The secretary determines the policies of the employees that guide the rules and regulate the intake of employees to access their skills and abilities. Motive the works to work hard to gaining quality skills or find or understanding the works.
Communication is the skill to absolve the ability to speak adequately sense to convey the idea of competently. The importance of the secretary of an employee is known as human relation, it has an important role to solve the human relation factor of an organization. The course in accordance with the function of the secretary is to enlarge the office of duties round.
Performing duties and responsibilities for a secretary you need the spirit of motivation, especially executive manager they have heavy-duty to lead the activities and assigned to cooperate and control the employees in the company.
Arrange the affairs of the company and discuses the problem of the company as well.
Should be able to act on their duties and enlarge the ability of a person’s personality, to meet the basic skills of office equipment and relations, or maintain the consistency of work towards the function, and the task is given. Te responsibilities lie on the secretary that should be able to have more inside of what is going on in the company or get the capabilities to do assignments. As a secretary communication is very important in daily life, it helps the growth of the organization and has effect career relation on the job. The secretary is responsible for the administration. You need to be a good communicator and have an eye for organization. This is not a comprehensive list of what a good secretary should do, and each society will have different expectations of a secretary but it gives a good outline of what is expected of you when you are in the role. Make arrangements for society meetings, ensuring due notice is given to all members so they are aware of meetings.
Give a report to the general manager for the past year’s activity.
Now as I have given you some of the career options after corporate Secretaryship, Hope this will go far in helping you choose a career option after studying Secretaryship. Thank you.