Most colleges and universities around the world have a percentage of students working for the school or different organizations because the school connected them to finance their stay or to do their internships. A higher percentage of those students normally are international students. These students tend not to have enough time during the day since they have to study and attend to work as well. They, therefore, have to get applications and devices that will ease their educational life as they work aside as well. There are some application systems that are designed to help and enhance the lives of working students. Some of those application systems are explained below with the express images.
The Google drive application system is an automatic in-built system that is designed with the Android Google operating system. It is designed to store the user’s documents online so that when the device crashes or gets spoilt, you can retrieve them online from your Google drive.
When you save your documents online in your Google Drive, you can retrieve it not only on your device but on any device you open your Gmail account on. This helps in order not to lose your documents. Documents saved in Google drive do not have a life span to delete itself from there, which means that you can access your documents anytime since you can keep them for a very long time as long as you keep them in.
Students need to use dictionaries at every point in time in their life as students. There are different dictionary types, word-explanation dictionaries, science dictionaries, maths dictionaries, language dictionaries such as French to English, Spanish to French, German to English, Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek to English and many more. Depending on the need of the students, he or she can download some needed dictionaries for his or her studies. With the English dictionaries that give explanations to words and their usage, we have the oxford dictionary, Cambridge dictionary, Webster dictionaries, and many more. It is necessary for students to have dictionaries related to their field of study. This helps, especially, the working students so they can be able to learn on their own even when they forfeit class to work.
Study blue is an educational application that is designed for students to help them upload their class study documents and materials, practice quizzes, create flashcards electronically to study, and share them with other people. With StudyBlue, students are able to store their notes in the cloud and also be able to connect with other students studying the same or related subjects. This application software is designed for students at high schools, colleges, and various universities. The office of the Study Blue is currently located in San Francisco, CA since September 2012. This application software is recommended highly to students, especially for those in the USA and Canada.
It feels boring to be typing at times, especially to some working students after a long day of work and study. You would that you will just speak and what you spoke will be translated into words. The dragon dictation application system is such an awesome application that is designed to help students do so with ease. With dragon dictation, you just have to launch it, follow instructions, and follow the instructions that come with it. Just start talking into the Dragon Dictation application system launched and what you said will be converted into a digital format that can be pasted into other applications, and can be sent as messages. The converted voice message into a digital format can also be saved for later.
This digital student planner application allows students to trail their class meetings, assignments, tests, and projects so they do not forget an assignment they need to attend to. This serves as a reminder for students which keeps them to be able to do the needful as they are supposed to do so. This application system can be accessed through android, iOS, and windows. It can be downloaded free from all the application stores of android, AppStore and Windows store.
The GoConqr application system can be accessed on android, AppStore, and windows. This helps to access great learning resources like Mind Maps, Quizzes, Slides, Notes, and Flashcards. The GoConqr application can also be used for social learning and attach and work together with friends, classmates, and learners in Groups.
It has award-winning tools and also, you can access about 25 million resources created by over 8 million members, you can share learning resources.
The office lens is a Microsoft application system software. It works by taking pictures of documents, receipts, notes, boards (both black and white), magazines, and many more, to convert them into editable, shareable text. The images taken can be read, cleaned up from glare, and shadows from an angle. This helps students to take records of notes even when they are on black and whiteboards so they can be converted and edited for use.
This application system software was designed by the Microsoft team to make conversions of images into editable formats that can save d and shared amongst students. A working student can use this application software when he or she is in a hurry to work from school. All students may not be able to write what is written on the board, they can use the office lens app to take notes from the board and convert them as they want to their own editable formats.
The RefME application system is application software that is designed to use your phone’s camera to scan the barcode of a book and generate an extract that will be formatted into the format your institution uses. You can access RefME by registering to use. You can do this by using your email Edmodo or you can also use your Facebook single sign-on. On RefME, you can share and team up on resources, add information through your device and you can be allowed to export citations into other tools.
The Evernote application system is a tool that is used to capture a memo or a note in any format which can be a photo, pdf format, a service review reference, an audio file, and many more. This application system makes it easy for the conversions of documents especially from the picture format to other formats.
The SimpleMind application system software helps to create mind maps to assist people in order to organize their thoughts, remember easily the things they have learned, and generate new ideas. It is a platform that teaches and helps millions of people all over the globe in mind mapping tools.